How to redeem free codes in Coin Master

Coin Master is an adventure game developed by Moon Active with over 100 million downloads from the Play Store. It is a casual single-player game with gambling mechanics where players can win coins by spinning a slot machine. The game features building villages, attacking opponents’ villages, fixing them, and taking revenge. It also has pets that increase attacks, raid rewards, or guard the villages.

Coin Master has over 400 levels, and advancing them requires players to build villages. Doing so requires coins which are obtainable by spinning, but there is a per-hour limit for the number of spins. There are several ways to earn spins, such as inviting friends, purchasing them, receiving them from friends, and more.

However, the developers continuously give away free spins through various methods. This article provides information on how to get free codes and redeem them in Coin Master in exchange for free spins.

How to get free codes and redeem them in Coin Master

The developers give away free spins and other rewards through their social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Unlike other mobile games that provide free redeemable codes, Coin Master provides links. These links reward you with free spins and coins daily.

Install the Coin Master game and follow its official social media accounts. Check their posts daily containing photos or videos of simple puzzles. All these puzzles have their own different set of rewards for those who solve them.

Developers choose only a few lucky players among the ones who solve the puzzle. However, each post also contains links, and clicking on them will open the Coin Master app. You will receive free spins and coins just by clicking on the link.

Remember that rewards from these links will only last a few days. Additionally, you can only use these once to earn rewards. These daily redeemable links usually get you up to 25 free spins and some coins every day.

More ways to get free spins

While there is always an option to purchase the spins, there are methods to earn them for free. The most common way is to wait an hour to get five spins, but this limit increases as you level up in the game. Other ways to get free spins are listed below:

  • By Inviting Friends: Connect the CM app with your Facebook account. Send an invitation link to those who are yet to play the game. However, you can only get free spins for up to 250 friends who can install the game using your link.
  • Collecting from friends: Each friend playing Coin Master can send you one spin daily as a gift. You can collect up to 100 free spins from your friends every day. Go to the Main Menu, click on Gifts, and tap Collect All.
  • Requesting Spins: The adventurous world of the game allows its players to build a team and play together. You can make one request every eight hours, rewarding you with up to 10 free spins.
  • Events and Tournaments: There are many in-game events and tournaments you can partake in, which will reward you with free spins.
  • Popping active Balloons: You can get various rewards by popping them when they become active in the game. These rewards might also contain a generous amount of free spins.
  • Finishing the Village: The game provides you with rewards upon completing your village. Out of several rewards, you have the chance to get free spins.
  • Spinning: Landing on three Spin symbols will reward you with free spins. You can also use multipliers to obtain more.
  • Completing Sets of Cards: The game has various sets of cards that you can acquire through different methods. Completing each set of cards grants you rewards, and most are free spins.

That concludes our foray into redeeming free codes and earning free spins in Coin Master.

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