The Shady Side Of Kirstie Alley

Kirstie Alley's Scientologist beliefs dictate that she condemns psychiatry because "the Church objects to the mistreatment of the insane, which is psychiatry's historical hallmark," per the official Scientology website. That means Scientologists object to "routine psychiatric practice to label and stigmatize youth with wholesale diagnoses of mental disorders."

So, when bad things happen, Scientologists often blame psychiatry. This is exactly what Kirstie Alley did in 2017 after the Las Vegas shooting when she tweeted, "We have to solve the mystery of why there are no 'shooters' or almost 0 before the 1980s. I know one common denominator other than guns." She continued, "One additional common denominator of 'shooters' is USA's mass usage of psychiatric drugs. A % do have side effects of violence & suicide." She refused to back down when criticized, tweeting, "Not my opinion. Statistic based."

We need to be very clear. As Self explains, "Mental illness is often blamed for violence, but it's rarely the true cause." Medication helps to treat mental illness and makes it possible for many people to live happy, productive lives.
