TikTokers Opens Powder-Only Bag in Viral Clip

Throngs of people have expressed envy and desire at a bag of powder-only Takis opened by a TikToker in a now viral clip.

Mustafa Gatollari - Author

When I was a kid watching cartoons, and of course the tremendously entertaining advertisements for various cereal brands that went along with them, there was always one commercial that irked me more than others. The Cap'n Crunch Oops! All Berries cereal TV spot insulted my intelligence to no end.

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Do you mean to tell me that a company is letting the public know that they run a loose ship and "accidentally" released all of its berries into a batch? And then celebrated this assembly line failure, which has dire and quite frankly terrifying implications for the rest of their cereal-making operation, by creating packaging and media campaigns around it? Or do they expect us to believe that the boxes were a mistake too? Unreal.

And whatever your thoughts on the flavor of Oops! All Berries cereal is, or the advertising campaign the folks at Quaker Oats came up with, there were definitely some people who were stoked to see that they could buy a package that was literally just filled with the berries from Berry Cap'n Crunch.

And there are some who seem equally excited at the prospect of getting a whole bag of just spicy Takis dust., like this TikToker claims to have found.

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Source: TikTok | @kiaraa_mooneyy

In a now-viral clip posted by @kiaraa_mooneyy, someone can be held taking a pair of scissors to a purple bag of Takis chips. The scissors cut through the top of the bag, to reveal a mound of a red powder, aka, the seasoning or "flavoring" added to the savory snacks. There are no tortilla pieces found in the bag — only a thick mass of powder.

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And while the red powder is surely inside of the bag and packed to the brim in the video, the clip actually begins with both sides of the bag already slightly opened, with someone using a pair of scissors to cut the rest of it open.

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I finally broke down and bought myself an air fryer yesterday (previously bought 3 for other people).

This thing is AMAZING! Yesterday perfect corn on the cob, fries and BBQ chicken. Today I’m playing with it..
Double dredged, Takis dust seasoned fried chicken… pic.twitter.com/MzqcA1QeOF

— Pillsbury JoeBoy (@jpbucco) May 30, 2022 Source: Twitter | @jpbucco

In theory if the TikTok in question wanted to fake having a Takis bag packed with just powder for whatever reason, they might be able to do so through those already open holes.

Whether or not the TikToker in question decided to falsify their powder find for the 'Tok had little effect on the clip's popularity.

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Some were excited at the prospect of receiving a bag just full of Takis seasoning, with many folks giving recipe recommendations and other culinary uses for such a rare find.

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Some just straight-up asked @kiaraa_mooneyy for the bag of Takis powder, with others suggesting the brand makes this powder available to all how want to purchase and cook with it. The top comment on the video recommends the TikToker make fried chicken with it, which OP seemed to think was a good idea.

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There are other spicy chip manufacturers who have made the trademark flavors of some of their more popular offerings available to customers, like Frito-Lay's Flamin' Hot Cheetos popping up in pre-packaged macaroni and cheese boxes, so maybe it would make sense for Takis to do the same.si

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Heck, if there's enough of a demand for folks to incorporate that flavoring they love so much into their other food, then maybe Takis should give folks the option to buy bags of powder sans tortilla bits.

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Tampaville hot seitan chicken sandwich at 3 Dot Dash, it's breaded with Takis dust. Very Mikey Miles-ass pic because the outside lighting is slim to none pic.twitter.com/dlb9uJCXjx

— painslave peter steele (@trashage) January 8, 2022 Source: Twitter | @trashage

What do you think? Would you be stoked to get your hands on some Takis Fuego powder? Or are you more about that "Blue Heat" life? Or does it all taste like lower intestinal regret to you?
