The MLB Immaculate Grid puzzle for July 6 has been unveiled, showcasing the Houston Astros and the Tampa Bay Rays as the subjects of this edition.
The MLB Immaculate Grid has garnered significant acclaim among baseball enthusiasts. It presents participants with a 3x3 grid where team names or statistics are placed in each row or column.
Players are given nine chances to accurately complete each cross-section, and a new grid is introduced every day, providing a fresh challenge.
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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On May 13, 2017, Stanek was promoted to the major leagues by the Rays, making his MLB debut the next day. He ended the 2017 season with a 5.85 ERA in 21 appearances.
In 2018, Stanek excelled as "the opener," setting records with seven consecutive scoreless starts and 17 straight starts allowing one run or fewer. He made 59 appearances (29 starts) with a 2.98 ERA in 66+1⁄3 innings.
In 2019, Stanek continued as an opener but landed on the disabled list on July 20 due to a hip injury. He played in 41 games, including 27 starts, pitching for 55+2⁄3 innings.
Stanek signed a one-year, $1.1 million contract with the Astros in January 2021, recording a 3-5 record, two saves, and a 3.42 ERA in 72 relief appearances.
In March 2022, he agreed to a $2.1 million contract, achieving a 2-1 record with one save in 59 relief appearances and contributing to the Astros' World Series win.
In January 2023, Stanek agreed to a one-year, $3.6 million contract with the Astros, avoiding arbitration once again.
Stanek is one of the most recent players to have played for both the Astros and the Rays. Other correct responses include Brooks Raley, Austin Pruitt, Collin McHugh, Ralph Garza and Jose Siri.
Another player who recently played for both teams is Brooks Raley.
Raley was traded to the Houston Astros in August 2020. He had a 3.94 ERA in 2020 and the Astros exercised his option for the 2021 season.
He signed with the Tampa Bay Rays in November 2021. Notably, Raley, along with some teammates, opted out of wearing the team logo in support of LGBTQ+ Pride.
He was later traded to the New York Mets in December 2022.
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